Daily Taurus Horoscope January 25 (25/01)
Apr 20 − May 20
Alias: Alias: The Bull
January 25
daily taurus horoscope:
daily taurus horoscope:
Star 7/10
Truth has a tendency to emerge. It might take some time for it to present itself but as certain situations progress, it becomes clear what has been concealed in time. A certain truth or reality of a particular situation is likely making itself known in an area of your world. The good news is, its likely to confirm a situation you had suspicions about all along. This is a time when youll be appreciative of your ability to see beyond the obvious.
Read more...Star 10/10
We can look around our homes and identify objects that have a place on a shelf for reasons we cant recall. We consider removing or discarding them but recall good reasons existed in the past surrounding why they deserved a place of such prominence. This can help us to reconnect with emotional bonds that existed previously. Something in your world needs you to recall your reasons for wanting - or loving - it previously. It can again hold a special place in your heart.
Read more...Star 8/10
Just as you thought a particular area of your world was ticking along with comfortable levels of predictability, a Venus/Uranus link sticks a proverbial spanner in the works. Trust that this is nothing to be concerned about and neither is it something likely to require drastic action on your part to resolve. It will, however, require you to decide where a certain line has been crossed by a certain person and make them aware of it. If you command respect now, then youll receive it.
Read more...Star 10/10
Much of what youre likely to deal with will be intensely personal to you and you might choose to distance yourself from anyone or anything that distracts you from resolving a personal issue that got delayed at the end of this year. Keeping your distance might also prove helpful in terms of ensuring you dont get drawn into a sensitive scenario affecting someone else more than you. Youre not as obliged to involve yourself with their problem as youre led to believe you are.
Read more...Star 9/10
We want to bring out the best in ourselves, but we are often afraid of the monsters that guard the inner sanctum. In your case, these monsters are anxiety, worry, nervous exhaustion, fear, restlessness and hyperactivity. Flower essences help calm these menacing obstacles. You could respond well to Morning Glory, Lavender, Blackberry, White Chestnut and Mimulus. Look for essences at your local health food store. Put any combination (2-4 drops total) in your bath or on your pillow before bed.
Read more...Star 7/10
The current planetary configuration impels you to examine your life with a healthy perspective. You could be working on a plan of how you would like to live your life over the next 25 years. You must endeavor to make your health choices consciously, for your bodies is the very structure in which you live! Give yourself all the help you need in figuring out what works best for you in terms of diet and exercise, and create a balance that enhances your well-being.
Read more...Star 8/10
It may be of some benefit to join an online group associated with any health problem you may have. On the other hand, you could benefit from connecting with a group that focuses on yoga or meditation. Explore the local offerings. Youll gain in any number of areas, including diet, serenity, and beyond.
Read more...Star 9/10
Jupiters ongoing presence in your wellness zone continues to be a boon and a blessing. It can help bestow greater energy and general good health. If you have a condition, you might find that this beneficial planet brings positive options for new treatments or the issue eases somewhat. However, this month Venus, your health planet, edges into Pisces for all four weeks, and you could be out and about and perhaps socializing more. If youre eager to keep your weight steady, then be aware of what you eat when youre out with friends. It can help you avoid gaining weight.
Read more...Star 10/10
The energy radiating from the planets makes it easier for you to address the status of the relationship between you and your love interest. You know instinctively that your partner (current or prospective) has something they need to say, and because of your natural sense of compassion you are willing to help them work through it, not only by being an attentive listener, but also by having the courage to raise the subject in the first place.
Read more...Star 9/10
You may find that a certain event or even a revelation from within catalyzes you into deciding to do something about a current love relationship. The celestial configuration is encouraging you to take notice of why a certain problem seems to keep on reoccurring, and finally to do something about it. This time you will have to ability to pave the way for better relationships in the future.
Read more...Star 9/10
Whats your first reaction when youre confronted with your past? It isnt easy to admit you were wrong or think about mistakes youve made, but avoiding them wont work either. Take some time in the beginning of the week to get some solid closure. Fun events over the weekend take your mind off your dating woes, but theyre still under the surface. Its OK to put them on the back burner for now.
Read more...Star 10/10
Jupiters influence on January 1 brings into focus the romantic possibilities ahead. Isnt it nice to have something to look forward to?! The Cancer Full Moon on January 12 brings your emotions to the surface. Blurting out your feelings to a secret crush could be a result. They may not be reciprocated, but if they are, its just one more thing to smile about. Mercury and Pluto meet on January 26, adding depth to your communication style. The puzzled look on your dates face will tell you if what youre saying is over his or her head. Adjust your vocabulary as needed.
Read more...Star 9/10
You will feel a tremendous amount of tense and nervous energy today. You are restless with anxiety and you may feel as if the world is caving in on you. Take plenty of breaks today in which you can get outside and take a walk around the block.
Read more...Star 7/10
Make sure there are elements of your work that you truly believe in. If you arent mentally and spiritually committed to what you are doing, then why do it? Because of the money? Trust that you can earn money doing something you are passionate about.
Read more...Star 9/10
Someone you thought you could count on may let you down or be particularly difficult. Open yourself to new possibilities. This is especially good advice if you feel worried or havent been sleeping well. Dont let others fears or challenges influence your attitude. Face your fears in order to discover what is real and what is causing you unnecessary stress. Youre only going through a phase.
Read more...Star 8/10
A heated exchange could occur in the middle of January. Youre tired of having your directives taken lightly by an irreverent co-worker. Its time to have a serious talk about their attitude. If you need a supervisor to mediate, so be it. Youve always tried hard to be respectful of others and deserve the same consideration. The days around January 26 will be rewarding. Dont be surprised if youre offered a high-profile job or impressive promotion. The powers that be admire your ability to work independently. Acting as spokesperson for a new division or company will be rewarding. This change will be refreshing.
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