Daily Virgo Horoscope July 01 (01/07)


Aug 23 − Sep 22

Alias: Alias: The Virgin

July 01


daily virgo horoscope:

summary virgo daily

Star 8/10

Your usual methodical approach to tasks could go right out the window as you prefer a more sporadic, test the water approach. If this helps to break up tediousness where tediousness might have set in, then fine. However, you could find yourself experiencing a sharp reminder about the saying, if a jobs worth doing, then its worth doing properly. Beware of attractive shortcuts to success now.


summary virgo tomorrow

Star 8/10

Separating facts from fiction could prove tricky now, as you find yourself receiving a vast amount of information in a short space of time. Assessing and making sense of what youre expected to process could be a difficult task. Having snippets and tidbits of information isnt helpful when what you want and need are clear, solid facts. For now, piece together certain puzzles as best youre able to. Even having basic facts will enable you to start to see a clearer picture.


summary virgo weekly

Star 10/10

Whilst history is unlikely to repeat itself in a specific way this week, there will be something from your past that youll be able to draw upon that puts you in a stronger position in the present and for the future. An episode of your past that youve chosen to suppress and store in your mind in a folder marked To Be Left Alone and Untouched can offer very helpful insight into a dilemma you might face this week. Drawing upon previous experience can provide a perfect solution.


summary virgo monthly

Star 8/10

If recent weeks or months have been uneventful on the social scene, then coming weeks will likely bring an influx of invitations. The volume or frequency could require you to be discerning about which to accept and politely refuse. A Full Moon on the 9th could be intense and highlight a sensitive home or family issue requiring careful handling. If you have a pitch to make or a need to persuade someone in some way, then dont underestimate how persuasive your words will be this month! Whatever you ask for confidently, you look set to attain.


health virgo daily

Star 9/10

The day\s planetary aspect is best summed up with the image of Cupid, except that the recipient of all your ardor will probably be yourself. Doing what you need to do to nurture yourself properly is what this aspect is all about. Once acknowledged, you usually have no problem with execution. There is no point gained by a beautiful throw that misses the target! Look at your health regimen and ask what you can give yourself to improve your well-being.


health virgo tomorrow

Star 9/10

Reformation and change are challenges that can create a stressful atmosphere in your life at this time. To counteract this stress, acquaint yourself with your ability adapt to change. Although you are rarely sick, it is better to give in to your need to rest and relax before you are so worn out that an accident forces you to. If you can only get that much-needed mental break that comes when your mind is taken off your main pursuit - get an alternative interest you feel strongly about!


health virgo weekly

Star 7/10

You could play a part in helping your partner recover from a minor illness this week. Although it\s nothing to worry about, you may still run around fetching, carrying, and soothing. You shine in the role of caretaker, but don\t forget to look after yourself, too. Take a break. You\ll feel better and be much more effective if you do.


health virgo monthly

Star 9/10

Deep relaxation could be the key to feeling much better this month. If you have been engaged in a lot of brain work recently, giving your mind a rest can be a healthy restorative. You might find that good quality fish oil and other brain foods can help if you\re suffering from feeling burned out. Omega-3 fatty acids are necessary for the health of your brain and nervous system, and you might benefit from taking some supplements. Other dietary changes, such as omitting caffeine and drinking more water can also be beneficial.


love virgo daily

Star 7/10

Today\s celestial energies may help you to see a difficult relationship situation in a new light. If you have been feeling upset and resentful over certain events that have transpired recently, then use this opportunity to take a step back, and see it all from a new and different perspective. It is possible to use humor as a great healer, especially concerning the wounds of the heart.


love virgo tomorrow

Star 7/10

There is great romantic potential in the air right now, with today\s planetary energy. However, significant meetings may start not with a powerful attraction, but as more of a friendship, where you find that you can relax in each other\s company and talk and joke without worrying about the kind of impression that you are making. Sometimes this is the best way to develop a really lasting relationship.


love virgo weekly

Star 7/10

You\ve got all of the bases covered when it comes to planning for a date, and now all you need is someone to invite! It might seem like you\re jumping the gun, but you want to make sure everything\s perfect for when you finally find \"the one.\" There is a small spark between you and someone new over the weekend, so don\t ignore the potential possibilities. It isn\t perfect, but it\s a start.


love virgo monthly

Star 9/10

On July 4, Mars entering Cancer brings your emotions to the surface, but pushing yourself to be too bold or expressive may backfire. The struggle continues to find balance between logic and passion. With a Sun/Mercury conjunction on July 21, you tend to ignore what\s right in front of your face. Has someone been dropping not so subtle hints of their interest? Open your eyes and look at the possibilities! You have a special gift for seeing past other people\s insecurities during the Mars/Neptune trine on July 25, which is a great dating tool. Give compliments freely and honestly.


career virgo daily

Star 8/10

The team you are working with can\t move another step forward until you take the lead on a certain aspect of your project. Feel free to make some bold decisions today based on your own good judgment and leadership abilities. You will be successful.


career virgo tomorrow

Star 8/10

People are pointing fingers in the workplace today so watch out. No one wants to take the blame for the difficult situation that has arisen. Be diplomatic, but try not to be deceiving, either. Accept the blame for the part you were responsible for.


career virgo weekly

Star 9/10

This is a positive time for making contacts and supervising groups. Your ability to share ideas makes you a good team leader. To be most effective, you must believe in yourself and your talents. If you aren\t happy with what you\re doing now, arrange to get more training. You may need to consider the possibility that you\re taking something the wrong way. This period could bring opportunities in connection with a big corporation.


career virgo monthly

Star 7/10

An emotionally draining work situation will come to an end in early July. It will be a relief to finish a demanding project, sever ties with an abusive customer, or transfer to a better department. Divesting yourself of heavy responsibility will cause your creativity to flow freely. Don\t be surprised when brilliant breakthroughs arrive on a regular basis. Who you know will be just as important as what you know during the second half of the month. This is a great time to join a professional organization, union, or work team. Not only will you learn a lot but you\ll also make some influential friends.



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